Transit Systems of the United Kingdom

Section updated September 2019: 1,154 photos, 695 NEW












The UK has the oldest underground railway and some of the newest light rail/tram systems. The UK has invested much into its transit infrastructure with many newer rail-based systems over the past 15 years. Like most nations, the UK has many tram networks, but more closed before or after WWII. It is good to see them back again. Eight cities are featured with 1,154 photos.

The UK’s second-largest city has brought back modern trams in the form of West Midlands Metro (Light Rail). It is a one-line system undergoing expansion.

Home of the only remaining in-land cliff railway (funicular) in the UK.

A modern light rail line linking the airport the city center

Glasgow, Scotland

78 photos

Home of one of the oldest subways of the world that goes round and round the city.

London, England 

895 photos

Home of the world’s first underground railway. The double-decker buses are iconic. There are a lot of transit options in the capital city. Systems featured here are the Underground, Overground, Docklands Light Railway, London Tramlink, Buses, and commuter railways 

Home of the UK’s largest Light Rail Network!

Sheffield, England

23 photos

Home of Supertram modern light rail system

This is featured here for its unique shuttle line using the Parry people mover between Stourbridge Junction and the town of Stourbridge.

Cities Not Featured


  • Blackpool, England: Light Rail/Tram
  • Newcastle Upon Tyne: Tyne and Wear Metro (Light Metro System)
  • Nottingham, England: Light Rail