Paris Transit Photos

 699 Photos














The City of Lights maintains a wonderful integrated transit system. This city is a must for any transit fan. The Metro takes you everywhere inside the city, with expansion underway. The RER takes you to the suburbs, including Paris Disneyland and Charles De Gaulle Airport, with expansions coming. Four modern Tramlines ring the city, with more lines under construction. Both airports have a VAL automated transport system, and finally, the Montmartre Funicular. All in all, it’s a transit fan’s dream.

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466 Photos


Paris has 14 metro lines. They say you are no more than 600 yards from any metro entrance in Paris. The system has steel-wheeled and rubber-tired lines.


RER Commuter

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The RER is the regional commuter rail system which is metro like within Paris. Trains are very frequent.



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Paris has been developing tramlines along the periphery of Paris connecting the outer neighborhoods to the Metro and the RER



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One Funicular


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Buses remain an important part of the Paris transit network. 


Airport VAL

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Charles de Gaulle Airport uses VAL automated light metro trains to get around the massive airport.