Welcome to the 26th Year of Kavanagh Transit Photos!
Welcome to Ktransit.com, home of transportation photos from around the world. We started in 1999 on Trainweb. Then, in 2001, ktransit.com came into being. From just a few transit photos to now over 21,000 transit and railroad-related photos from around the world, we have come a long way!
All photos on this website are owned and copyrighted by Mark Kavanagh. He has been around the world and his main passion is urban transit and railways. Commercial aircraft and cruise ships are also featured. To round this site, learn more about the Kavanagh family, both Mark’s family and the history of the Irish surname. This website has other features, including the World Trade Center in NY. Please enjoy!
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Over 19,100 photos of Subways, Metros, Light Rail, Trams, Commuter Rail, Buses and more from around the world
Photos of mainline railroads from around the world, including high-speed trains