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Hudson-Bergen Light Rail
Exchange Place

njt-hudb_02.jpg (44243 bytes)

Exchange Place

This is a busy stop for the system. This was a major transfer point to the PATH to lower Manhattan, but the PATH station is currently closed. There are now ferries. There are also a lot of office buildings in this area.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

njt-lr-hud082401-07.jpg (399757 bytes)Train is seen curving away heading towards Newport terminal. (8/26/01 dig.) njt-lr-hud082401-05.jpg (354737 bytes)This train just left Exchange Place Station, her connections may be made with PATH to NYC. (8/26/01 dig.)
njt-lr-hud05.jpg (59081 bytes)Two trains at the Exchange Place Station in Jersey City. (5/00) njt-lr-hud06.jpg (65588 bytes)Train awaiting departure to Bayonne at Exchange Place. (5/00)
njt-hudb_02.jpg (44243 bytes)This train is heading to Bayonne. It is leaving Exchange Place. Connections with PATH trains to NY can be made here (5/00). njt-hudb_01.jpg (60368 bytes)Same train just further up the track. It is heading south soon to make a turn to head west before heading south towards Liberty State Park (5/00)
njt-hudb_03.jpg (47089 bytes)This inbound train is entering Exchange Place. It will then pull ahead and cross-over to return at this temporary terminal. (5/00) nj-lr-hud-exchange-041803-02.jpg (532198 bytes)Exchange Place platform (4/18/03)
Southbound train has just departed. (10/18/06)  

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Last Updated: 02/13/18


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