Maui, Hawaii

Facts and Figures

Operator Hawaii Airports
System Type Airport Tram
Year Opened 2019
# of Lines 1
# of Cars 2
Gauge Guideway
Stations 3
Power Center rail
Data Date 2024
1st Visit 9/2023
Last Visit 9/2023
% Rode 100%


The paradise island of Maui has a modern tram line, even if it only s shuttle at the Kalului Airport, the main commerical airport for the island. It links the rental car center with the departures and arrivals terminals. The trams are on rubber tires with a center guideway and are manually operated.

Maui also has a bus system




Bumper block



Tram waiting for passengers

Tram interior

Tram Shops

Tram Shops

Maui Bus

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