Honolulu, Hawaii

Facts and Figures

Operator City & County of Honolulu
System Type Light Metro
Year Opened 2023
# of Lines 1
# of Cars  
Mileage 10.8 miles
Gauge Standard
Stations 9
Power third rail
Data Date 2024
1st Visit 9/2023
Last Visit 9/2023
% Rode 100%

The 5-0 State's capital is known for its beaches, but more notorously for its traffic. Most of the state's population lives in the Honolulu area which is long and narrow. This leads to a lot of traffic congestion. At one time Honolulu had a streetcar system, and a railroad, but long since gone, leaving city buses to move people

However, that will change over the next few years. In 2023, Honolulu opened phase one of the Skyline Train (was originally called HART). This is an automated and elevated light metro. Currently it serves the area's western suburbs and ends at Aloha Stadium. Phase 2 will extend the line to the airport and to the fringe of downtown. Futher phases will bring it into downtown. The system is years behind schedule and millions overbudget. But after it is fully open, I think everyone will think it was money well spend for a high quality metro system that it is..

Select the station you would liek to visit starting from the west and heading to Honolulu:

update Station Hawaiian Name Second Name # of photos New photos
Kualaka'i East Kapolei 10 10
Keone'ae Uh-West O'ahu 8 8
Honouliuli Ho'opili 8 8
Hō'ae'ae West Loch 8 8
Pouhala Waipahu Transit Center 6 6
Hālaulani Leeward Community College 8 8
Waiawa Pearl Highlands 6 6
Kalauao Pearlridge 6 6
Hālawa Aloha Stadium 17 17
  Yards & Equipment 6 6
The Bus Honolulu Buses 8 8

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