Facts and Figures

Operator CLOSED
System Type Heritage Trolley
Year Opened 2003
# of Lines 1
# of Cars 3
Mileage 1.5 miles
Gauge Standard
Stations 4
Power Overhead
Data Date 2004
1st Visit 3/2004
Last Visit 7/2009
% Rode 100%

US > California Transit
San Pedro Transit

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San Pedro Red Cars

This former tourist line in San Pedro served the Passenger Ship Terminals of San Pedro. At one time the Pacific Electric had service to San Pedro from LA. Now a small portion of the line has been re-created using one authentic, (although rebuilt) PE car, and 2 replica PE cars.  Service ended several years ago, and portions of the track are gone. The cars are stored with their fate unknown.

Choose your destination
Marina/22nd Street Station

The abandoned station 3/3/2023

The abandoned station 3/3/2023
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22nd St Terminal. Note the high platforms (3/17/04)
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Another view. (3/17/04)

Note the extension bridges to allow freights to pass when raised, and provide level loading of the cars when down (7/3/09)

Car in operation (7/3/09)

Car loading (7/3/09)

Car loading (7/3/09)

Car loading (7/3/09)

Information sign (7/3/09)
Cruise Center & Along the Line
The line abandoned 3/3/23
The line abandoned 2/24/23

Changing poles. (7/3/09)

The front of the cars look great, this is a replica of a PE 500 class car. (7/3/09)
At the terminal, both poles up (7/3/09)
The abandoned Yard lead 3/3/2023
Fake trolleys parked in front of the "Carbarn" 3/3/2023
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This is an original PE car. Modified at one time to operate with rubber tires, now modified again to operate on rails. (3/17/04)
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Another view of a classic PE car, #1058. (3/17/04)
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This is a replica PE Car #501, built new for this line (3/17/04)
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501 is up on jacks for an undercarriage inspection. (3/17/04)
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Note the temporary car barn behind 501 (3/17/04)

#1058 is inside the shed (7/3/09)

Inside of car 501 (7/3/09)

Inside of car 501 (7/3/09)

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All photos on this website are by Mark Kavanagh. Any and all material contained in this web site may not be reproduced, in any form, without the expressed written consent of Mark Kavanagh, © 1999-2024 all rights reserved. Larger and higher resolution images for all photos are available from the webmaster.

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