Facts and Figures

Operator Angels Flight Railway Foundation
System Type Funicular
Year Opened 1901/1996
# of Lines 1
# of Cars 2
Mileage 298 feet
Gauge 762 mm
Stations 2
Power Counter Balance
Fare Media Cash
Data Date 2000
1st Visit 9/2000
Last Visit 3/2023
% Rode 100%

US West > Los Angeles Transit
Angels Flight

Angels Flight

Angels Flight is a funicular, or inclined cable counter balanced railway. It is located in downtown LA. It was originally built to serve an affluent residential area. It was dismantled in the 1960's and placed in storage awaiting urban renewal. In 1996 the line opened again albeit a couple of blocks from its original location. 

Unfortunately there was a major accident that killed a passenger in 2001. The line was shut down until 2010 and is back in operation with a few more safety devices in place.

Click any photo to enlarge










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The view of the entire railway from the bottom of the hill (9/00)
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The two rail cars are at the halfway meeting point on the hill.
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A great side view of one of the two cars. (9/00)
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The view from the top of the hill. This is a great vantage point to see LA. (9/00)

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