Beer From Vending Machines
fun story deals with the vending machines in Japan. In Japan there are
beer vending machines everywhere!
You can get a 1570 ml glass jug of Asahi Beer for ~ 1000 Yen which
is about 8~10 bucks. Here are 2 photos of the famous vending machines.
We inserted the money for the glass jug of Asahi Beer. We
then stood back as we heard the glass go thud-thud-thud. The jug came
out unharmed, I'm not so sure about the rest of this small Japanese
It is un-believable
all the different vending machines there are. Here there are beer,
cigarettes and Coke machines
all in a row, what else could you want! (Don't answer that!). I have
also seen machines vending pantyhose, rice, magazines, and a lot of
other items I'd rather not mention on a family website!
The three of us
enjoying our jug!
This is what happens
when the jug is finished! Ahhhhhhh........!!!!!!!
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