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The Kavanagh Family
Foster Dogs

Golden Bond Rescue

After the passing of Flame, and before getting Cinnamon, we made the decision to try foster parenting Golden Retrievers. We signed up with Golden Bond Rescue, a local organization rescuing Golden Retrievers and placing them in "forever" homes. 

If you are interested in adopting or fostering a dog, please visit Golden Bond's Website

To date we have fostered 9 wonderful dogs, and we adopted #9. These are there stories... 



Dandy was our first foster dog. An elderly lady had found him and took him in. Sadly, Dandy was a big dog, and she could not care of him, so he was turned over to Golden Bond. We picked him up soon after he was neutered. We are not sure of his age, except that he had huge paws and his mid and rear sections were small. He was somewhere between 1-3 years old.

He is a calm gentle dog. Mark called him a big Galoute. He had this tendency to melt on you when you petted him. He would literally fall down on you, almost knocking you over. He and Cinnamon played well together, except when he wanted to stop playing he would just stop, annoying our dog.

He loved playing with a tennis ball dumbbell. He carried it around like a cigar. If we pulled it out of his mouth, his mouth was quiver, which always made us laugh

We took him to the Golden Bond picnic. Several people were interested in him. We found a wonderful family for him up in the Portland area. He now has a brother along with a family with 2 older girls and a young boy. They renamed him Kavanagh.

Unfortunately 2 years later he was returned after he and their other dog got into fight. But he did find new owners without a second dog and is enjoying life!

Buddy Holly

Buddy was our second foster dog. He was about 10 months old when we got him. A big puppy! His former home was not able to give him the space or time needed for a young dog.

Since he was a puppy, he was active and playful. He actually would tire out our Cinnamon! He learns quickly and always wants to please you. His only downfall was he would like to chew on blankets if he was bored.

Soon after Buddy's photo was placed on the Golden Bond website, there were people interested in him. We found the perfect family for him up in the Seattle area. A family with two young boys another Golden Retriever with a nice backyard. It was hard to let him go, but we know this was the perfect setup for him!


We had Sunny, our third foster, for only two weeks. She is a sweet 5 year old girl who was a victim of a divorce. She is a short stout girl.  We got her right after she was spayed. So she was moving rather slow and tired easily. She also had developed Kennel Cough.

Cinnamon was so very patient with Sunny. We were amazed how well Cinnamon worked with Sunny and understood when she was not felling well.

After having her for a week, we got contacted by the adoption coordinator of a potential forever home! Sunny instantly took to her new parents. She also has a brother golden now. She has plenty of property to roam around in SW Washington.

Despite having her for a short time, we miss her as much than our previous fosters. I think Cinnamon misses her the most! Sunny and Cinnamon have the same coloring, maybe that's why?


We had Bailey the longest of all our Foster's. She was a very skittish girl. She did not like other dogs, although she learned to love Cinnamon. She was scared of "tight spaces". And was not always fond of men, although she was fine with Mark. It would take Bailey several weeks to get used to a new situation. But she is a good girl.

We did find a family for her, but sadly the family returned her. She has since been adopted out again.




Amber was a near foster failure for Cyn. They bonded really well. She is a great dog. She and Cinnamon bonded very well.

She was adopted pretty quick. If we had her another 2 weeks, she probably still be with us.




Sorry no pictures of Maggie. We had her for only a few days. She attacked Cinnamon 3 times. Cinnamon was afraid in her own house. So we had to have her moved to another foster home. But she found another forever home.


Luke was a near foster failure for Mark. Luke was a goof ball. He had a lot of fun. He and Cinnamon become good friends.

He was adopted by a couple in Washington State





We got Bo after he was shaved down due to a lot of issues with his fur, so he looked rather strange. But he had a great attitude and was adopted very quickly.

Cinnamon loved him!





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   All photos on this website are by Mark Kavanagh. Any and all material contained in this web site may not be reproduced for in any form without the expressed written consent of Mark Kavanagh, © 1999-2017 all rights reserved. Larger and higher resolution images for all photos are available from the webmaster.
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